Beworth Design/Lab Header Image Beworth Design/Lab is a Hong Kong based design- and researchlab. We focus on Industrial Design, Product Design, Product Ergonomics, Circular Design and Sustainability for consumer products.


credit: Jess Loiterton

Prototyping and Industrial Design

Mostly requested by start-ups and smaller companies (SMEs) but we have experience working in big companies as well. We help develop your initial ideas to a more mature level, considering different user aspects (think of colors, style, usability) in the concept phase next to the design itself. Afterwards we work out manufacturing, help with prototypes and visuals for presentations and prepare technical documentation for your supplier for production.

Insights, Workshops and New Ideas

Depending on size and scale requested by you, we can organize workshops within 1 to 2 months. Workshops cover most aspects of your specific market, buyers and user's frustrations and participants will be guided during the workshop.
Alternatively we can setup a technology vs sustainability (matchmaking) workshop considering alternative sustainable solutions for your products, materials and technologies. We have years of experience organizing workshops.

Human Factors, Product Ergonomics

Products can be very good looking but can be frustrating or painful to use. In that case we can conducat a usability evaluation which will provide valuable insights and suggestions on how to improve your products, improvemenets which should be tested afterwards with your targetgroup again. Alternatively we help clients setting up ergonomic guidelines, setting up anthropometric research if needed and more.

Circular Design, Sustainability

We are a consultancy company dedicated to sustainability for consumer goods companies (fashion, disposables, consumer electronics, household products or appliances). Our extensive know-how in developing research and tools for sustainability helps in reducing materials, energy and waste streams and helps to improve your sustainability metrics (ESG, GRI, etc). Together with you we develop sustainable alternative solutions for your products.
We are C2C EPEA Accredited
Learn More
Circularity and Closing the Carbon Loop
Our approach for the circular value chain, sustainability and a better world

Human Body Dimensions and Applied Ergonomics
Human Body Dimensions
Learn more about how our human body dimensions database can help you

Insights, Brainstorms and Workshops
credit: flickr, Jennifer Morrow
Insightful Workshops
Let us organize your workshops, gain valuable insights and ideas in return

Need resources? Don't wait but contact us now to discuss how we can help you and your company. Check our work here.

Design of a Dutch Oven for Young Ambitious Entrepreneur
Design of a Dutch Oven for Young Ambitious Entrepreneur
Tablet and Smartphone accessories
Looking for a designer for smartphone or tablet accessories? Let's talk!

Helping one of the biggest companies going circular. Fighting climate change one step at a time.

Research for Circular Design and the Circular Economy
© Techtronic Industries
Student reading a book wearing a white t-shirt
credits: George Milton
Data Analytics LCA White T-Shirt
© EcoChain
Let us help you with our LCA services dedicated for Design and Engineering Teams

Anthropometrics and Applied Ergonomics for Philips Earphones and Headphones
© Gibson Innovations
Anthropometrics and Applied Ergonomics for Philips Earphones and Headphones
© Gibson Innovations
Learn how we help other companies with Ergonomic Research

From Idea, CAD, Design to 3d Printed Parts for Testing
Anthropometrics and Applied Ergonomics for Philips Earphones and Headphones
Anthropometrics and Applied Ergonomics for Philips Earphones and Headphones
Anthropometrics and Applied Ergonomics for Philips Earphones and Headphones
From Idea, CAD, Design to 3d Printed Parts for Testing

AI Generated Design Concepts for Bicycles
AI Generated Designs
Exploration Bicycle Designs using MidJourney. AI Art Generators can bring creativity to a whole new level. How to best use it though?

Brand Gallery

companies we have worked for

We have worked for this client We have worked for this client We have worked for this client We have worked for this client We have worked for this client We have worked for this client We have worked for this client
proud to have worked at
(employed a/o outsourced)

Thankful for the experience! Thankful for the experience! Thankful for the experience! Thankful for the experience! Thankful for the experience!
Just Ask
Whatever question you have or whatever problem you try to solve, let's talk about it and let's discuss how we can help you. We will contact you within one or two working days to discuss your request in more detail.

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